Day 259 - ebooks and yet more burgers
How many times do no have to celebrate burgers? It was Double Cheeseburger Day over the weekend, today was simply Cheeseburger Day. We had some more of Lidl's cheesey burgers in the fridge but they'd gone out of date so I used some frozen ones instead. They weren't the greatest to be fair but they kept Son 1 happy, he's more about quantity than quality at the moment. A gherkin, some crunchy onions and sone sauce made it paletable. It was hardly a celebration but sometimes you have to make do with what's available.
Get Ready Day was an eye opener, for me anyway. The day is to get ready for a major disaster. It seems quite sensible with the weather they're having in America at the moment and Storm Amy on the way. I had a thought about our fire evacuation plan. I don't think that we've ever discussed with the kids what to do should the fire alarms go off. I therefore had a chat with my better half about what to do and we'll talk it through with them tomorrow.
I didn't celebrate Rice Krispie Treats Day as Waitrose didn't stick any and I didn't have time to make any.
I did however download the Kindle app to my phone to celebrate Read An Ebook Day. It seemed to work ok although the screen is a little bright. I'm having a month's free trial apparently. I'm not sure that reading on a phone is a great idea but it might help for when I run out of real book on the train. I also tried to advertise my own ebook as well. I've probably mentioned it before but if you fancy a read it's available at
Advance warning: tomorrow is the famed Talk Like A Pirate Day! Yay!
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