Day 253 - mmm... milkshake
Just two celebrations today I'm afraid. I've done so many now that I'm losing track of what I have and haven't celebrated. It wasn't until I started writing this today that I realised that I'd already celebrated Video Games Day before. Oh well. This time I charged up the DS and played Super Mario Bros on the train ride home. We've had the DS for years but video games aren't usually my thing. I used to play Sonic the Hedgehog on the GameGear but never finished it. Today I managed to get through 2 levels. Maybe one day I'll start level 3.
The other celebration was Chocolate Milkshake Day. Now this was worth celebrating! The kids agreed. After tea I whipped one up using Cadburys hot chocolate powder, milk, ice cream and a special ingredient- ovaltine. It was one of the most successful milkshakes I've made although still not as tasty as the banana split milkshake, or even the coffee milkshake. There is room in this world for plenty of different flavours, and they all deserve celebrating.
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