Day 254 - chocolate and gherkins, not necessarily at the same time

It's late again so I'll try to keep this brief whilst maintaining a level of whimsy which you've all come to know and love.

I tried to celebrate Roald Dahl Day twice but failed as I couldn't find a book suitable for my 2 and a half year old and Son 2 had to go without a bedtime story for matters I'd rather not get into! It's a shame as I was looking forward to it. My generation, as many others,  grew up on Roald Dahl. I would say it's good to reminisce but they never go away.

I didn't celebrate Bald Is Beautiful Day either as the folliclley (spelling?) challenged colleague who sits by me on a Thursday wasn't in the office today.  Maybe he knew?

I did allow the kids to sort tea out as it was Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day but this mainly consisted of my youngest chopping mushrooms and each kid topping their own pizza. It wasn't really a take over, they can do that on a weekend when they're not all completely shattered.

Peanut Day involved me eating peanuts as you may well have imagined but I spiced it up a little by buying caramelised peanuts from Lidl. I imagine that the sugar instead of salt wasn't that good for me but they made a nice treat. I prefer dry roasted.

The same can be said about pickles. Not that I prefer dry roasted but that I ate some as it was Snack A Pickle Day. I like gherkins but I prefer them as an accompaniment to something rather than a tub of them on their own.

Finally today I managed to celebrate International Chocolate Day by buying chocolates.  I would have eaten some but with nuts and pickles in really didn't need anything extra. Instead I bought some rubs from Tesco as the usual Christmas deals have started. Yay!

Oh, and it was Fortune Cookie Day (for the third time!) so we had more cookies after tea.


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