Day 268 - chocolate milk and corned beef hash
Is it me or is this turning into a list of the things I've eaten throughout the year? I suppose that a fair amount of celebration days are food based and they do tend to be the easiest to fit in when all else fails. Take today as an example. Ancester Appreciation Day sounds quite good fun. My parents and my wife's parents have all been doing some family tree building so we had a good starting position to do our own. My wife has recently started piecing it together for our kids so today would have been a good day to look at it. Sadly though there wasn't time. Swimming lessons, I'll children, vet appointments, trying on kangaroo costumes (I kid you not), these things all add up and stop celebrationistas from doing their thing. I did have time to squeeze in four celebrations today.
The quickest and easiest was Chocolate Milk Day. This was a no-brainer. I don't k ow the difference between chocolate milkshake and chocolate milk other than it being an excuse to drink more chocolate. But drink it we did. I went for the easy option today and bought sone from Tescos. Once the kids got wind it was gone in a flash. I had a couple of small glasses, it tastes OK but not as good as the milkshake which I made not that long ago, which itself wasn't as good as the coffee one.
Corned Beef Hash Day was surprising. I use Delia's recipe which includes Worcestershire sauce, mustard and fried eggs. The kids gave it a go but rejected it after a bite. I on the other hand was pleasantly surprised, I thought it better than it looked. The talk from the egg loosened it up nicely and brought it all together as a tasty meal. Oh well, there's no pleasing everyone.
Crush a Can Day was also quick and easy as I had a couple of cans from tea which needed to go into the recycling. I crushed them. The day is a reminder to recycle (I think) which will become more and more important if these once a month refuse collections are taken up. Jeremy Vine was talking about it today. I think that we could fit our non-recyclables into one bin a month at a push and we have three kids, one of whom is still in nappies. If it helps then it's probably worth a try. If it doesn't work out then presumably we could go back?
Lastly it was Scarf Day. This was a late addition. I opted for my Morris Dancing scarf as I went dancing tonight so it seemed apt. I forgot about the nice finger knit scarf which I made a few months back. That was probably for the best though as it was quite warm today. No scarves were required!
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