Day 247 - coffee ice cream? Why not.
Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? Procrastination can get in the way of any good intentions. My main form of putting stuff off is, well, this. I spend most of my evenings now doing pointless activities in order to spend an hour typing on my phone. To support my celebrations I research by scrolling through Twitter and Facebook. That's the killer. It's so addictive yet 90% of the content is of no interest. So why do we do it? To avoid looking at notifications I switched my phone to battery saving mode. It worked well! No pointless procrastination for me on Fight Procrastination Day.
Coffee Ice Cream Day was very pleasant. I forgot to buy any but my good lady wife managed to bag some from Sainsburys. Yum. It was a Columbian roast coffee organic ice cream and it provides a huge coffee kick. It did however have gritty bits in it. I'm not sure what they were but I'm assuming they were bits of coffee bean. They didn't add anything for me but the ice cream was much nicer than I thought. I recommend it.
How often do you throw raw eggs to your children across the garden? Never tried it? Neither had I until recently. It was the Great Egg Toss Day, a day when loads of people do exactly that, throw eggs to each other whilst widening the gap. The boys enjoyed it. Their catching skills are getting better as well. We didn't quite get the gap as wide as the garden but we got a few paces apart before the eggs were destroyed, one splatted across the back porch which wasn't much fun to clean up. I have no idea why the day exists but it seemed silly not to.
Finally I celebrated Read A Book Day with all the kids today. I read my book on the train (Memory Man), I read My Best Chip to my youngest, Compton Valence to Son 2 and Harry Potter to Son 1. Not a bad effort I thought. There have been a few reading days this year and I expect this isn't the last but it's always good to have an excuse to read something.
I think that there is another beer celebration tomorrow. Yay!
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