Day 270 - spooky coffees
Is it possible to celebrate Mocha Day without celebrating Coffee Day? Both celebrations took place today which seemed a little odd. Also, it was Biscotti Day. I had the feeling that somebody decided to celebrate everything at the same time to save time and effort. I'm surprised it isn't sugar cube day as well or teaspoon day. Anyway, I tried for a threefer but the chosen coffee shop didn't have biscotti, or any kind of nibble. They did however make me a mocha when it wasn't on the menu so I can't complain. It wasn't very mochalike but it was passable. To celebrate the humble biscotti I had to find some in Morrison's to take back to our hotel room. Biscotti with hotel nescafe just doesn't seem right. It needs to be a proper coffee really but Travelodge don't provide cafetieres. What is the world coming to? Anyway, the point is that I eventually celebrated all three, just not at the same time. As my mocha wasn't up to much I had another one whilst at wedding part two. It was much better. Yum.
It was Confucius Day today so I googled him and read some of his quotes. The man spoke in fridge magnetese. He seemed very wise, I bet he had a great beard. One quote sounded very much like something that Rocky Balboa said, about getting up after you've been knocked down. Very profound.
For Ghost Hunting Day we made up a story about the pub which were we at. We decided it was haunted by a past brewer who we pushed into a barrel and drowned. His ghost can still be heard ringing a bell and calling last orders. We went out looking for signs of him when it got dark but we had to turn back due to a chill in the air. I think it was the ghost but my son says it was just cold. What do you think?
My final celebration was possibly clutching at straws. For Broadway Musical Day I found an Idina Menzel Christmas CD in a charity shop. She sings in musicals so I think that counts. I did actually spot a copy of Dancing on Broadway for the Wii as well but we already have it.
Right, it's late again and we have a busy day tomorrow so sleep is in order.
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