Day 248 - beer!
It's getting late so I'll keep this brief. I donated some food to the local food bank as it was Food Bank Day.
It as also Buy A Book Day so I picked up a copy of White Crow from a charity shop. I've never heard of it before but the cover looked good. Why buy a book day is after read a book day rather than the other way around is anyone's guess.
There were two food celebrations today, Acorn Squash Day and Salami Day. I used both in an online pasta recipe which was delish. I recommend googling it. Yum.
Lastly it was Beer Lover's Day. I chose a bottle of Spill The Beans, a coffee porter made by Brains. I HIGHLY recommend it and will be buying more. Yum.
Right, I'm off. There is sleep to be had. I'm a bit late today as I was watching Kingsman 2. Good film. Tomorrow may be even later as I'm off to see Dave Gorman. Is it rude to blog from a stand up show?
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