Day 258 - Monte Christo, no counts though
I have three celebrations to tell you about today. I'll start with Locate An Old Friend Day which I had a stab at. It sounds like a good idea but these days all of the locating had already been done. Facebook has that covered. Anyone who wants to be found has been found by now. I had a go though and tried to find some people from my past who haven't yet been found. I did manage to locate one from when I was eight but the chances that he remembers me are slim, I only knew him for a year. That was the problem with travelling around as a kid, new people all the time.
Monte Christo Day was a little more successful. I assumed that it was about the count but it's actually a type of fried sandwich. The recipe I went with was a triple decker sandwich containing edam and ham. It has a little mayonnaise in the middle and is dipped in egg and fried. Son 1 was a fan, son 2 not so much. My daughter didn't even try hers. I liked it although the pan was a bit too hot by the time I cooked mine and it caught a little bit. The sauce in the middle added some moistened and works well in a normal cheese toasty in case you're wondering. I'd certainly make them again. Yum.
Last up was an easy one, International Country Music Day. I have plenty of country songs on iTunes so I just let it do it's thing. Garth Brooks showed his face a few times which is always welcome, as did Big and Rich.
Tomorrow requires that I hug a greetings card writer. If you know any, please send them my way.
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