Day 265 - punctuation, cherries and being grumpy

It's late again so this won't be as tantalising and humourous as usual, especially seeing as it is Grumpy F$%#ers Day!

First up was Gallbladder Good Health Day. What do gallbladders do anyway?  Something about making stones which really hurt when they go through you. Who thought that up? Surely it's a design floor. Anyway, if you don't want the whole stone thing then you need to eat apples, so I did. I doubt that eating apples mean that you'll never have kidney stones but apparently they help.

Cherries Jubilee Day was almost missed but I remember just in time and finished off the ice cream.  I cooked some frozen cherries with a glug of brandy.  It wasn't bad but as puddings go it wasn't exciting.  I like cherries, I like ice cream, I don't mind brandy but together they seemed less than the sum of their parts.  Maybe I should have stumped up some cash for a bottle of kirsh.  I'll know for black forest gateux day whenever that is.

My favourite celebration today was Punctuation Day. I spend a good proportion of my working day moving apostrophes to the right place so a day to celebrate punctuation seemed like a good idea. I've always liked plays on words such as "let's eat grandma" and there were plenty of examples of such on Twitter.  I also found out about a punctuation mark which I've never come across before, the interrobang. It's part question mark, part exclamation mark for when you want to emphasise a question such as "What are you doing?" I would have used one there but my phone doesn't offer it as an option.  Google it if you want to see what one looks like.

Right, I need to go. Tomorrow will be One Hit Wonder Day so a chance to listen to some novelty records. TTFN.


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