Day 260 - butterscotch, yaargh
I don't have much to talk about today so it's a short one. International Talk Like A Pirate Day has actually become quite popular in recent years but I didn't hear any pirate talk today. I listened to a piratey song and read my daughter a piratey bedtime story but that was about it. If you want to go all in you can change your Facebook language setting to pirate (or at least it used to be an option). I didn't bother today. Go ahead, five it a shot. My pirate voice sounds more farmer than pirate, I'm sure that there is a link there somewhere. Ooh arrh.
The only other holiday today which I celebrated was Butterscotch Pudding Day. I went with Angel delight and the kids enjoyed it (although my daughter rejected hers then got upset when I ate it - oh well). It's so quick and easy that the joy to effort ratio must be one of the highest of any pudding. Pour, mix, eat. Yum.
Tomorrow will be Jeans 4 genes day so I've baked a pudding thing. I'm going to pump my jeans now. TTFN.
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