Day 32 - baked Alaska and spunky broads
Well today was a bit of a blast from the past. When I were a lad, I used to read Action Force comics and play with the figures with my mate Stuart. This was the mid to late eighties so a few years ago now. At some point Action Force turned into GI Joe. Maybe it always had been in America and we just took on the American name, a bit like when Marathon turned into Snickers. I had the chance to reminisce today as it was GI Joe Day. Nowadays that puts me in the mind of a dietician rather than an action figure. If I had the time I would have watched the recent movie adaption. The first one was silly but fun, the second was just dreadful throughout. I doubt there will be a third. I did play on the Nintendo DS game for a few minutes but it isn't up to much. I'll stick to watching the cartoons on YouTube and trying to persuade the boys that they are better than Power Rangers.
Serpent Day was a chance to think about our slithery friends. There was a news story this week about a man being killed by his pet python, not nice. I think I'll stick to the toy ones which make a very comfortable cushion when working from home. I also watched a brief clip of a GI Joe episode featuring Serpentor (double celebration). I had the figure, with hindsight, he was a bit silly.
I probably should have mentioned to the boys that it was Decorate With Candy Day. We skipped that one in favour of Baked Alaska Day. I've been preparing for this one all week! The base was made yesterday, the chocolate ice cream set on Tuesday. I whisked up the meringue (doing the hold the bowl over your head thing) and baked the lot in the oven. It was nice but sadly a little too rich. Nobody could finish it. It was fun making it so I might go with a fruity one next time.
To end the day it is Spunky Old Broads Day. A day to celebrate ladies of a certain age who still have a zest for life. Thankfully I meet such ladies every Thursday so I'm off to play mandolin for them. Anyone who can use the term "tiddly pom" with a straight face deserves respect.
There are a lot of celebrations tomorrow. Wear Red Day, Bubblegum Day and Crepe Day so you may want to pop to the shops.
PS I nearly forgot. Today was also Get Up Day, I got up. I went back to bed due to being as sick as a parrot but got up again shortly afterwards. That's two get ups! Also it was Time To Talk Day. A day to think about mental health. We had an awareness campaign at work to make people stop and think. Not really a celebration but something it's worth mentioning.
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