Day 50 - just chocolate
Today I ate a packet of After Eights (not a box of thin ones, a tube of small square ones) in aid of Chocolate Mint Day. And that's it. There wasn't much point making any as I made peppermint patties a few days ago. There were a few other days to celebrate but they weren't really happening today.
International Tug O War Day required other participants and a rope, I had neither.
Iwo Jima Day and Presidents' Day was really for Americans. The last year has given bloggers plenty to talk about with the American president being who he is but I'll leave that to people who know more about it. All I know is what I hear on satirical programs and Twitter so it's possibly bias.
Lastly it was Prevent Plagiarism Day. The idea is to be aware of how easy it is to steal written work using the internet and pass it off as your own. This made me think about the story I've been releasing on t'interweb and how easy it would be for someone to rip it off. I doubt it'd be a major problem though as so far only 6 people have read it and I can probably name them. Maybe I'll take more interest when the readership hits double figures!
A few days ago I was meant to intoduce a girl to engineering but I ran out of time. I made up for it today by letting Maggie help build the furniture we bought from IKEA. She mainly asked "this one daddy?" but enjoyed looking at the pieces. I also drank more wine but I'm not sure how long I can keep up the "I'm celebrating" excuse.
Tomorrow should be a bit more interesting. If you're feeling peckish it will be Cherry Pie Day. It's likely that I'll be the only one eating it so there'll be plenty to pass around.
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