Day 46 - come back on saturday
Feast follows famine. Yesterday there were 17 celebrations, today, 7. And of those 7, two were further anti-valentine's day events. Newsflash, single people can celebrate Valentine's Day!
I tried buying gumdrops for Gumdrop Day but the local specialist sweet shop didn't have any.
I intended in playing Lego with my daughter to celebrate Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day but ended up having to go to IKEA so there was no time. I'll have to take a rain check.
For Hippo Day I read some facts about the 3rd largest land mammal which kills more people than sharks. Not a great deal of effort there.
I ended with I Want Butterscotch Day by making some pretend butterscotch flavoured Angel Delight. I'm not sure the significance of the I want part, maybe I'm just supposed to want butterscotch rather than actually have some. I don't know. Basically today has been almost celebration free and tomorrow's forecast is looking bleak. Maybe it is because people are tired out from St. Valentine's Day? I'll hopefully make up for it over the weekend!
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