Day 35 - hot stuff
I usually plan a week or two in advance for these celebrations. By plan I mean that I look at the different websites and apps which list them and note them in my diary. Most are fairly self explanatory but some need a little research, sometimes why, sometimes what. Today was Sweater Day which I thought was straight forward, wear a sweater. That's quite easy but you then need to ask what a sweater is. To me, it is something like a sweatshirt, a jumper made from jogging bottoms material for want of a better description. The picture on the website however was a knitted jumper. I thought best to investigate as I obviously take this very seriously and wanted to get it right. It turns out that Sweater Day has nothing to do with wearing a jumper and everything to do with saving the world! It's a day to think about how we affect the world around us and take things for granted. Household heating for instance. The blurb for Sweater Day says that if we all turn down our heating by 2 degrees then the energy saving would be the equivalent to taking 700,000 cars off the roads! Wow. It would be like driving in France! I don't know how much truth there is in the stats but it's worth a shot. If you're reading this, I recommend turning down your thermostat. Do it now. You get an instant rush of satisfaction. Go on, I can wait...
Anyway. There were 2 foodie celebrations today, Homemade Soup Day and Stuffed Mushroom Day. My good lady wife made the soup, something we do regularly to be fair. It's always good and feels healthy. It was spinach today which was referred to as snot soup by my lovely boys. At least the baby ate it apreciatively. Only 2 of us had the mushrooms, they divide the family. I had to go on a pilgrimage to Pomona, our local veg shop, to buy 2 large 'shrooms which were grilled and stuffed with breadcrumbs, gruyiere and bacon. Nice.
There were a couple of odd days which I skipped today, Thank A Letter Carrier Day ( on a Sunday?) and Dump Your Significant Jerk Day. Weird.
On a more sombre level it was World Cancer Day today. There are fund raisers all the time for cancer research and events like Stand Up 4 Cancer which get lots of publicity. I'd have thought that World Cancer Day would have been marked wider but I haven't seen anything about it. If it wasn't that I keep track of these events for this project it would have passed me by. If you search for #WorldCancerDay on Twitter then you'll find loads of uplifting stories. I thought that a good way to celebrate this event would be to sign up to a fund raising event. I'm therefore going to take a look at some if the many cancer charity websites and look for something suitable. Once I'm done I'll start bugging my tens of readers for sponsorship so be warned!
Tomorrow is nutella day and chocolate fondue day. Don't feel left out!
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