Day 33 - Naked Groundhog Day
If you feel the need to set up a new national day of celebration, please first consider what else is taking place on your selected date. There are 13 celebrations on my list today and that's not counting the random extras which always seem to turn up. I had to be selective.
An easy one to get in the bag today was Wear Red Day. Sometimes days are set aside to raise money by having people wear certain things, jeans for genes day for example. This one was a little confusing as Wikipedia says that there is a wear red day in the US and one in UK, both in February but for different causes. The one is America is definitely today and is in aid of heart disease in women. The aim is to wear red to raise awareness and help raise money for research into congenital heart disease. The one in the UK is also for heart problems but is for the children's heart surgery fund. Google also says that it is today but the actual website makes no me tion of it. I wore a red tie all the same but I don't think it stood out enough. I also wore a red coat but I wear it every day so again it was lost. Maggie wore red in solidarity as well. Hopefully by writing this blog it will help with awareness instead. Further details can be found at or Take your pick.
Today was Groundhog Day, not just a film but a real day! The weather predicting mammal is real and still looks for his shadow every year on this day. Weird. Punxsutawney Phil. I'm not sure whether the concept of repeating something over and over was linked to the day before the film turned up but it certainly is now. It's not the only film about repeating a day but it's certainly the best. I haven't been to see the stage show but I hear good things about it. As it was written by Tim Minchin, if it's even half as good as Matilda then it would be worth seeing. I found a DVD copy on my walk through town for a pound so will celebrate the day by watching it this evening. As should you. Hurrah.
Today was a celebration of Marmots (big squirrels apparently), Sled Dogs and Hedgehogs. I chose hedgehogs as they're local. A few years ago I built a hedgehog house for the garden but alas it lies empty. BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME. No they won't. So if anyone wants it, my celebration is to pass it on to someone who at least has a chance of housing hedgehogs. I think that the concrete based fence probably has something to do with it. If you fancy a hedgehog house let me know in the comments, locals only though I'm afraid. I can't afford to travel to the Ukraine for the sake of a few hedgehogs.
Bubblegum Day was trickier than I thought. I couldn't find any Bubblegum in Tesco, only Bubble gum flavoured gum sweets. What is Bubblegum flavour? Isn't it usually flavoured with something? You don't get Bubblegum flavoured Bubblegum, do you? Anyhoo, we stopped in Mollies sweet shop on the way home and they had some so I bought 1 piece. 5p! Bargain.
This helped me with Give Kids A Smile Day as child 2 was in hysterics watching me try to blow bubbles. He also smiled at the idea of having ice cream for breakfast tomorrow!
Crepe Day was harder than I expected as son 1 was full from a party and son 2 doesn't like crepes (he just likes pancakes! ) I had to eat a whole load of them. What a shame. I started off with a mushroom, cabbage and gruyiere stuffed crepe before moving on to maple syrup. Yum.
Phew. Finally for today it was Working Naked Day. At least 4 people from work were working from home today. Coincidence? I think not. I have some ironing to do whilst I enjoy Groundhog Day. In for a penny...
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