Day 57 - more nuts and fairy tales
Sorry celebration fans, I realise that this is going out a little later than usual, I've been busy with actual celebrations rather than quirky ones. It'll be child 3's birthday on Wednesday, the wife baked her a very tasty cake yesterday and I spent this evening icing it. Let's hope that she still likes Peppa Pig by tomorrow and hasn't grown out of it!
Today I bought some pistachio nuts to share with work colleagues as it was Pistachio Day! Salty goodness. I used to love eating them in front of an open fire so I could throw the shells into the flames. That wasn't really possible at work though. They seemed to go down better than the honey sweets I bought back from Paris in December. There aren't many nuts which are routinely sold in their shells. Does it improve the taste or is but just for the look?
It was also Tell A Fairy Tale Day so I read Cinderella to the baby and son 2 enjoyed the Gingerbread Man with his mum. Cinderella really is an odd story when you get down to the details. Saying nothing about her late father's taste in women, she manages to spend an evening dancing on glass high healed "slippers". That can't have been comfortable, especially for a girl who doesn't own high heels. Everything magical reverts back to its former self at midnight, except for the one slipper... hmm. The story doesn't even mention Cinders' massive clown feet. What do you mean you didn't know she was like Side Show Bob? No other girl in the country has feet which fit the slipper. If they were small then there would have been a kid who fit it. She couldn't have had such special feet that no-one else was the same unless they were freakishly large. It's logical. Anyway, enough wittering on.
Personal Chef Day wasn't something I could do much about. It was supposed to be about doing something special for the person who always cooks for you but I do most of the cooking in our house. I'm usually home first so have the honour of getting tea ready. It was also Play More Cards Day but I didn't get a chance due to the aforementioned cake decorating. I'll make up for it tomorrow as it'll be Pokemon Day.
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