Day 38 - pasta and ballet
Ballet is usually associated with little girls in tutus and swans. At least it used to be before Billy Elliot got his mits on it. (Should that be two ts?) As dance enthusiasts, my boys have yet to see Billy Elliot due to the filthy language but they know all about the songs and the dancing. So Ballet Day was easy to celebrate. I put the Ballet Boyz on YouTube and then we learnt to play "Electricity" from the musical. There can't be many songs where singing in a specific accent are required. Anything in cockeney and Electricity, especially the ee-ah bit.
Next up we have Periodic Table Day. Aint science great. I played a video of Daniel Radcliffe singing Tom Lehrer's "The Elements" song. My wife also reminded me of a good nerdy joke. Ah - the element of surprise. I'm always reminded of Star Trek episode when I think about the elements, one of the characters had a dream which repeated the words "one moon circles" and from that they deduced that the crew had to release hydrogen into space. There's a lot we can learn from Star Trek. I tried explaining elements to Son 1 a few days ago when he asked about electricity. It's harder than it seems to explain because every time you use a word it's followed by "what's that mean?"
The foodie treat for the day was pasta - Fettucine Alfredo Day. It was a success! Everyone ate it all, miraculous. Probably because the sauce is just cream, butter, parmesan cheese and nutmeg. What's not to like? They all had their comments afterwards though on how to improve it. Everyone's a critic.
There was another geekie day to celebrate today but it doesn't work for people in the UK. "E" Day is to celebrate a mathematical constant - 2.0718 which is today's date if you're in America. In the UK we should celebrate on July 2. It's not as much fun as pi but I'll try to remember it in a few months.
As it was Send A Card To A Friend Day I sent a card to a friend, or wrote one to send tomorrow. I won't go into detail but keep an eye on your letterbox in case it turns up! It could be you.
Finally today was a little prep. Tomorrow will be Molasses Bar Day so I made some following the recipe on It smells good although I have to wait until tomorrow to hand some out. TTFN.
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