Day 47 - Chinese and penguins
Happy new year! If you're Chinese anyway. Today was Chinese New Year and so we celebrated with a Chinese meal complete with prawn crackers and fortune cookies. Sadly son 1 wouldn't touch it and ate an omelette, son 2 only ate noodles but it's a start. We need to work on the chopsticks! We've just entered year of the dog but I don't really know what that means. We have some friends who celebrated properly by visiting family in China, the photographs are amazing. It certainly looks like a place to visit one day.
Next up today was Care Day, a day to celebrate the efforts of children carers and the efforts they make to look after people. There is a website with further information and there were lots of tweets about it. It's a day for children to be children, well worth reading up about.
Kyoto Protocol Day took place today, the 12th anniversary since it came into force. I didn't use the car today in respect of the attempt to cut emissions, and the fact that I didn't need to go anywhere but thats by the by.
Innovation Day was fun. I tweeted Dyson to ask whether their bladeless fans would work to power a boat as it would stop rotors from getting caught up in fishing line. I haven't heard from them yet but I'm expecting the royalty cheque in the post. My other innovations include the cat safe plant pot ( wider at the bottom than the top) and peer to peer lending ( which somebody has already invented, grr). I asked the kids what they would invent, they said a robot to collect litter from the beach. Not a bad start!
Almond Day was a chance to eat almonds. Nice with a pinch of salt. Nothing much else to report about that one.
Tim Tam Day was however much more fun. I couldn't find any but it turns out that they are Australia's answer to Penguin bars. The fun part was that a friend mentioned a fad of drinking a hot drink through the biscuit. It's called a Tim Tam Slam. Google it. I gave it a go with a penguin, bite each end off, suck the drink through it until it goes mushy and eat it up in one go. It really works! I'll be doing more of that now. Yum. You'll all be wanting to do it now, don't hold back!
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