Day 34 - dead pop stars and ice cream.
A long long time ago, I can still remember how that music used to make me smile... today is known as The Day The Music Died. Is a day of remembrance for Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and The Big Bopper but it's also a day to celebrate their lives and the music they gave to the world. Or it should be. Instead, I've been celebrating by trying to learn the chords to American Pie. It's fairly straight forward but I can't remember the words and I keep getting lost. The boys recognised the tune but only in relation to Weird Al Yankovic's parody, "The Saga Begins". This means that I've heard the one line "soon I'm gonna be a Jedi" to the tune of "this'll be the day that I die" over and over and over and over and...
Normally I would have jumped at the chance to bake a carrot cake as it was Carrot Cake Day but once again the celebration planners but too many food based days together. Instead we had Yorkshire Puddings for tea. Now I wish that I could say that I made perfect fluffy Yorkshires to celebrate but after the complete hash I made of the toad in the hole last week we didn't want to risk it. I blame the gluten free flour but others may disagree. We opted for the frozen variety. 4 minutes in the oven. They're not as nice as my mum's but as far as frozen cheat foods go they are far from the worst. Gluten free flour did make very gloopy gravy but let's not go there.
Take Your Child To The Library Day was a chance to get little Maggie signed up. I can't believe that she'll be two in less than a month and she's only just getting a library card. Parenting fail! The others had 10 books a week every week from as early as they could hold the pages. Maggie has the same few stories over and over. She was very pleased with her selection. We have a Peter Rabbit pop up book for tomorrow morning which she is very excited about. Long may it last!
I haven't mentioned it yet but today's big celebration was Ice Cream For Breakfast Day! It's not something I've done before but is something I could do again for the sheer joy of living off piste. What made it extra good was that the boys decided to make a chocolate sauce. I said that we didn't have any but it didn't stop them. Instead they found the dregs of some cream in the fridge and some kinder bars from the cupboard. I had my doubts but it worked a treat. You have to take your hat off to their ingenuity.
We didn't celebrate Elmo's Birthday and sadly I don't own any lace for Lace Day. Doilies aren't my thing. Tomorrow is stuffed mushroom day and homemade soup day in case you are shopping the morning. If you are don't forget the nutella for Monday!
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