Day 36 - more chocolate
Hmmm... not sure what this is all about. Shower With A Friend Day. I shower at 5.40a.m. I don't know any friends who are willing to pop around at that time of day. Even if they did I'm thinking I'd really rather not. This is one of the "what is this all about days" so I did a little digging. It's meant to make you think about how chlorine is bad for you and persuade you to think about buying a filter for your shower. I've never heard of people being ill from showering too much. Odd.
Today is also Weatherperson's Day so I listened to some songs about whethermen (remember John Ketley?) and sent some tweets to say thank you. Apparently they say it's going to snow over night so I'll check on how accurate they are tomorrow.
Much easier to celebrate today was World Nutella Day and Chocolate Fondue Day. I managed to combine them. My nutella fondue consisted of some cream, some nutella and a lindor chocolate. I made the mistake of warming milk, adding it to the almost empty jar and pouring that in as well. It thinned it too much. We didn't have much to dip either so made toast and cut it into thin fingers. Maybe not as tasty as some thick chocolate with strawberries but it did the job.
Tomorrow is a bit of a lame duck but there is frozen yoghurt day to look forward to.
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