Day 42 - guitars and minty goodness.
First off the bat, today has been Wear A White Shirt Day. Easy, I wore a white shirt. But what is the point I hear you ask. Well I'll tell you. It is to honour people from the automitive industry who striked (struck? Went on strike?) in 1937. Billy Bragg would be proud of me. I'm sure that their hardship was greater than mine though, all I had to do was try not to get chocolate on me...
Which segues nicely into celebration number 2, Peppermint Patty Day. They're basically home made After Eights. So easy! Well, they are theoretically easy. Mix some icing sugar with butter, cream and peppermint flavouring, shape it into a sausage shape, chill it, slice it and dip the pieces in chocolate. Sadly the pieces sunk into the wire rack so I had to slice them off. I ended up with a tub of minty chocolatey pieces. They don't look like the picture but they taste great. None of the family would eat it though so I now have a tub of brownies and a tub of peppermint patties. Anyone feeling peckish?
Next it was Get Out Your Guitar Day. I'd forgotten how good it feels to plug in and crank up the volume. I have a Gibson epiphone SG which got relegated to living in the cellar when the kids' stuff became a higher priority over space. The strings were VERY dull, the connections on the leads keep cutting out but overall the experience was still positive. It was like meeting an old friend. I had enough time to blast out Belgium by Bowling For Soup (not heard it before? Google it!) I'll certainly be getting it out again soon!
Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk Day was a chance to let bygones be bygones but I don't have any bygones which spring to mind.
There are all sorts of lovey dovey celebrations this week, today's was World Marriage Day. It was also Satisfied Being Single Day. To celebrate we watched a program called Weddings Make You Laugh Out Loud. It was basically You've Been Framed but wedding themed. The only funny bit was when the kids started playing up. Gotta love 'em.
Lastly today it was Make A Friend Day. I tried to find a new follower on Twitter and even offered brownies and peppermint patties. No joy. I'll keep trying though as I need to boost numbers somehow.
Tomorrow is a bit odd, it's Plum Pudding Day. Yep, Christmas Pudding in February! I hope you saved some.
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