Day 40 - mmm... Pizza!
Noooo! Denied. I saw a tweet today which said that it was International Scotch Whisky Day. Obviously I perked up at this and spoke to the nice man in the local specialist whisky shop who informed me that I'm a day out. Doh. Thankfully there's another one in June and May so I won't miss out. I'm told that Aldi have an award winning whisky which is worth a punt. I'll be prepared now.
Bagel Day gave me a chance to have something more interesting than shredded wheat for breakfast. I went with cinnamon and raisen with cream cheese. Very satisfying. I saw a number of fellow celebrators having bagels with "lox" so I had to Google this new word. turns out that it means smoked salmon in American in case you were wondering. I don't mind a bit of salmon on a bagel. I expect that the salmon wouldn't be best pleased but that's a discussion for another day.
Welsh Language Music Day took place today so the boys and I listened to some Welsh tunes on YouTube. I found some of Gorky's Zygotic Mynci's tunes but the boys weren't impressed. The band came to my school when I was about 16 so that the school could put down that they hosted bands on the prospectus. They weren't great, sad to say it but the bass was too loud! Only Men Aloud made much better listening. We saw their Christmas show a few years ago, well worth catching.
One of today's celebrations was called No One Eats Alone Day. It wasn't really a celebration but a day to help those who are excluded in schools. It's an American thing where children are encouraged to sit with others who don't have many friends. It's a nice idea and it would be interesting to see whether it makes it's way other to the UK. Further details can be found online.
The celebration I've been looking forward to all week took place today - Pizza Day! We made some dough using Jamie Oliver's tried and tested recipe. 00 flour really makes the difference and using hot water rather than lukewarm gets the yeast working better. There were some tears when I said that we weren't having bacon on it but they were soon forgotten. Pizza con fungi for Son 1, pizza con hot dog sausage for son 2. Fresh homemade dough is so easy to make and far nicer than those dry pre-made bases they sell in supermarkets. Nom nom nom.
Lastly today, against my better judgement, I celebrated Read In The Bath Day. Now I enjoy reading and I love a good bath but the two together is just wrong. It's all about having to keep your hands dry. It feels like having a bath with your socks on, it's just wrong. If we were supposed to read in the bath then we wouldn't have invented waterproof mobile phones and Bluetooth speakers! I read a few chapters of James Dashner's The Fever Code but I'll stick to reading it on the train in the future.
There are only 3 celebrations tomorrow so I hope I can find something hidden away else I'll have to start making some up!
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