Day 37 - is frogurt the same as frozen yoghurt?
Hmm. I just spent about 40 minutes writing a witty and provocative entry which my phone decided to delete before I could save it. I'm afraid that it's unlikely that I'll be able to replicate it so I apologise if today's blog seems half hearted. It's because I'm crushed inside.
I had a near miss today. I found a single reference to Canadian Maple Syrup Day. Now I love maple syrup so didn't want to miss it so I checked some of my other resources and found that Maple Syrup Day is on 17 December. I'm not sure what the difference is between the two, other than the reference to Canada. I'd have thought that any maple syrup day would be all about Canada? Anyway, I decided to do it in December instead so that I can do it justice.
There were two very American celebrations today which I think are linked, Ronald Reagon Day and Lame Duck Day. The duck one is all about having a president in office who is about to finish their term so can't really do anything. I assume that Ronald was such a President. He was President when I was a boy so my memories of him all stem from Spitting Image. To celebrate I therefore watched the really quite good video for Land of Confusion on YouTube and I recommend that you all do as well.
It was Safer Internet Day today. We already have safe limits on the web browser but it's good to remember that not everything is what it appears to be. Kids are naturally inquisitive and if we don't know the answers to their questions then the boys "search them up". It's sad to think that they aren't safe from bad people even in their own home. The day wasn't very well publicised although EE did email me about it today which was helpful.
Keeping with the serious tone, today was International Day Of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation. It's not a celebration but is certainly worth highlighting. Details can be found at which says that in some countries up to 98% of the women have been mutilated in some way with over 200 million women having been affected worldwide. I thought it was one if those rare things which you hear about, apparently not.
Returning to silliness, it was Frozen Yoghurt Day today. Is it the same as Frogurt? I think so. I tried to go to a frozen yoghurt shop but it had already closed so we bought a tub from Waitrose instead. They only had vanilla. Son 1 said that he would eat it if it was the only pudding left in the world. Son 2 said that he didn't like it but ate it anyway. The baby girl wouldn't even touch it. I quite liked it. It's not ice cream but it does have a tang.
Lastly today it was Chopsticks Day. I found this one late on but had time to grab some sushi and eat it with chopsticks. I was going to eat my tea (pasta) with them as well but completely forgot. Usually when a new invention comes along, the old ones disappear. Knives and forks are undoubtedly easier to use than chopsticks but there are whole nations who refuse to change. I admit that I do struggle with chopsticks but I wouldn't starve if I had to use them, it would just take longer to eat.
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