Day 53 - bending, shaking and cooking
Started the day with some yoga for World Yoga Day. It isn't something I've really done before other than the odd taster session at festivals. There are loads of free lessons, or should that be sessions, on YouTube so I put on one designed for kids and my two youngest joined in. It was Frozen themed so there was plenty of being a snow man and warm hugs. I'm tempted to do it more often as it does make you feel energised, and the kids loved it, for a short while. I was going to watch Waybuloo as well but we ran out of time.
It was World Thinking Day today which is a Scout/Guide thing. This year's theme was Impact, think about the impact our actions have. I tried to get the kids to take an interest but I was told that Thinking Day was on Sunday as that's when a friend of ours will be taking part. It did get me thinking about the diesel car which I'm now told is less environmentally friendly than the adverts made out. I missed out on lighting a candle at dusk as we were out walking dogs.
That seamlessly brings me on to Walking The Dog Day. I had to check that it wasn't something to do with yoyos but it was actually a day to way a dog. We don't have any dogs, but our hosts do, seven to be precise. Six Springer Spaniels and a Labrador. They're working dogs so were very excited to be out and about. We took them through a very boggy field and nearly lost our wellies. Dog owners must be really committed to do that every day, rain or shine. Cats are so much easier.
Next I managed to combine two celebrations in one, Chilli Day and Cook A Sweet Potato Day. I did have chilli on a baked potato for lunch but it was lacking in va va voom. What I would say is that when making chilli, there's one ingredient which is pretty much essential - chilli. Fresh, powdered or whatever it comes in. I was cooking in my friends' house so overlooked this. Thankfully they had some chilli infused oil and with some paprika, cumin and ginger it was enough to get some flavour. I cooked a bean chilli and mixed in some fried sweet potato. I would say that it was delicious but today is Be Humble Day so I won't bother. It needed some Frank's Hot Sauce but most things do though to be fair.
I was going to look for wildlife when we walked the dog but it was far too dark. There's another wildlife day coming up though so I'll do something then.
Finally, I have just finished my first margarita for Margarita Day and am about to go for a refill. I was going to buy some tequila and triple sec but my finances said no. Instead I found a bottle in Sainsbury's, already mixed up. It's quite fresh and sharp, it's my first margarita and I doubt it'll be my last. Well, as I said, I'm off for number two so that's definite.
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