Day 39 - Slipknot and opera
I'm listening to Slipknot as I type this so I apologise if I start using capital letters and profanities. I found one mention that today is Iowa Day and Slipknot, a popular music combo, hail from that American state. I searched Twitter for mentions of Iowa Day but a number of people put it on different days. Whether today is or isn't Iowa Day it's still a good excuse to listen to something shouty and passionate, it makes a difference from last night's Eurovision hopefuls.
As an interesting juxtaposition, today was Opera Day. I have never been a fan of opera on the basis that I have no idea what it's all about. I don't speak Italian and so any message the songs may have are completely lost on me. Having said that, I do like Rammstein and I hardly understand a word that Germany's premier rock band have to say so maybe I should give opera a chance. My worry is that opera is the emperor's new clothes of the music world. Somebody said that they liked it and so lots of other people said the same as they want to look intellectual. I tried to grab a CD from a charity shop on the way home to give it a chance but couldn't find one. I ended up listening to "Night at the Opera" by Queen, which is kind of the same thing.
An odd celebration today was Laugh and Get Rich Day. It's very specific. I wouldn't mind getting rich but I'm not sure that I can guarantee it. The idea is that if you laugh you are more relaxed with makes you more creative so you can be entrepreneurial and therefore make money. I didn't have time to have a good laugh, the odd chuckle had to suffice. I have plenty of ideas, no shortage there, so just need to put them into practice.
I mentioned yesterday that I had done some cooking for Molasses Bar Day. They were surprisingly tasty. The texture of a brownie with the taste of parkin. My colleagues all gave it the thumbs up as did my fellow Morris Dancers. In addition to Molasses Bar Day it was also Fat Thursday. This is a polish religious celebration, think Shrove Tuesday but on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday rather than the Tuesday. The traditional food to eat is a type of doughnut. I couldn't find anything authentic so grabbed some if those cheap mini doughnuts from the local supermarket. Close enough. I'm not religious but I'm happy to partake in any celebration which includes doughnuts!
Boy Scout Day is celebrated today in the US. Their movement was founded in 1910 on 8 Feb, shortly after Baden Powell set up scouting in the UK. As it is specifically American scouting rather than scouting in general I'm leaving the celebrations to them. I'm sure there'll be another scouting event at some point when I can see whether son 2 wants to go along. Son 1 used to be a Beaver but it clashed with dancing.
Finally it has been another Kite Flying Day. Why there are two I don't know. I'll be waiting for the wind myself. Pizza Day tomorrow, don't miss out!
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