Day 41 - I'd skip today if I were you
There have been some really fun or interesting mixes of celebrations so far, but today's is really dull. But try to celebrate I must so here goes.
Umbrella Day. Yep, that's right. A day to celebrate the umbrella. If it was raining then at least I'd have a chance to use one but no such luck. I'm more of a waterproof coat person than an umbrella user but I would have given one a go if the weather had provided the goods. Alas, the umbrella goes unloved and unappreciated.
It was Teddy Day, part of the Valentine celebrations. It's not about appreciating your teddy or cuddling it but rather giving one to your loved one. I've already bought a cuddly toy for the wife for Valentine's Day (please don't tell her! ) so it seems a little silly to give her another one today. Also, the colour is significant so I'd have to find one which conveys the right message. I think that I'll just give mine a cuddle instead, love the one you have and all that.
It was also Flanel Day but that requires buying a shirt which I don't need so I let it pass.
The only celebration of any interest was Cream Cheese Brownie Day. This sounds nice but when the wife is on weight watchers and the kids are scared of cream cheese it kind of sucks the fun out of it. I made some all the same using the recipe in Delicious magazine. As I type it is cooling on the rack although I've probably drunk too much left over prosecco to enjoy it. Brownie for breakfast!
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