Day 49 - wine and appreciating thumbs
I changed some batteries today. It was Battery Day so I changed some batteries. I bet your glad you're reading this aren't you. To be specific, my daughter has a Peppa Pig night light and I need three of those little watch batteries. Whilst I was there I checked some batteries and threw away the dead ones. Rock 'n' roll. I also listened to three different versions of Battery by Metallica, a cover by Machine Head, a banjo version on YouTube and the live version which they recorded with a symphonic orchestra. Everything seems to take batteries these days, even stuff which never used to. The most annoying ones are Wii controllers. They seem to need changing every time we use them.
I've been appreciating my thumbs a lot today. I'm appreciating them right now. It's odd isn't it, when you type on a keyboard you use fingers but not thumbs. When you type on a phone you use thumbs but not fingers. That might explain all of my typos. I listened to some Level 42 as the bassist plays using his thumb a bit like a beater. Its quite impressive, especially to a plectrum user. I beat all three of my kids at thumb war (cham- pio- nee) although Isaac won our left-handed dual. Thumb Appreciation Day did actually make me appreciate my thumbs.
I didn't do anything for Pluto Day, the ex-planet, not the dog. It was discovered on this day in 1930 but was downgraded a few years ago as another larger body was spotted even further away. Poor Pluto.
One of the oddest days which has come up was on today, Cow Milked While Flying In An Airoplane Day. I neither own a cow nor an airplane so it wasn't something I could do much about. I read a book by Dave Gorman where he was following his horoscope, somebody got wind and wrote a ridiculous list of things to do to see whether he would go along with it. This felt a bit like that, like I was being tested. And I failed. The day is actually the anniversary of something which actually happened. A cow was being transported and needed milking so they did it in mid air.
Lastly today it was Drink Wine Day. Note the name. DRINK Wine Day. Not buy wine, or taste wine, not even cook with wine. So I'm going to drink some. I'm not sure whether it'll be red or white but my good lady wife says that red is healthier so I'm thinking red at the moment.
I may need some help with tomorrow. It'll be International Tug O War Day. I don't have any rope and need people to make up some teams... anyone fancy it?
Nice write up. I've been eating a battery hen for tea.. does that count?
ReplyDeleteI was hoping that would be anonymous - google always knows 😂