Day 6 - tossing cake and cuddling

Some of these celebration days work quite nicely, some of them are just silly. Today's celebrations were a mixed bag.

I'll start with Bean Day as I didn't do much other than give a bid to the humble bean. We had baked beans for tea last night so went with green beans today.  As my better half isn't eating sugar this month I bought sugar and salt free beans. The road to hell is lined with good intentions, as well as sugar and salt free beans. More tasteless than my wardrobe.  The green beans however tasted of green beans. Yay!

Next up was Shortbread Day. Now this was a total success if I do say so myself. Not only were the biscuits tasty and buttery but me and kids had a blast making them.  Maggie did a fair amount of the work and Aled gave her a guiding hand. Such a simple thing to make too, butter, sugar and flour. We took them to a friend's birthday party and some of them even for eaten!

I'll take this opportunity to update you on the bird table. One blue tit spotted today! Feed them and they will come. Did I mention the swift family yesterday which visits us every year, if not that was very remiss of me and I apologise. They're too late to celebrate Bird Day but they do show up and scrat around in the attic every summer.

Back to today.  I was looking forward to Fruitcake Toss Day this week. Another opportunity for sillyness. I invited people in the street to join me, oddly there were no takers. The events in America draw tens of people to lob unwanted comestibles as far as they can. I instead took my two boys and two of their friends to the community orchard where we took it in turns to throw small pieces of fruitcake as far as we could.  The cake in question is quite well travelled as it is left over from the food packs which we took to Paris with us before Christmas. I think that with more entrants the event could have been more enjoyable, instead it was a brief moment of throwing cake without any real understanding of why we were doing it. Maybe I need to research these events more.

I already mentioned the orchard. The location of the fruitcake tossing was chosen as it is also Apple Tree Day today. I was going to take a cutting but I don't know which trees in the orchard are actually apple trees so thought best to leave them be.

Lastly today it has been Cuddle Up Day. I've been using it as an excuse to cuddle the children although the youngest still isn't joining in ("no Daddy cuddles!") Oh well. I leave you now dear readers to sit and cuddle up on the sofa with something boozy in celebration  of this national day. See you soon.

P.S. almost forgot, today was also Three Kings Day, also known as Epiphany. I was tempted to watch the Marky Mark classic movie of the same title but I wasn't that desperate to squeeze another in. I think that five celebrations is enough for one day. It's a handy to know though in case it comes up in a quiz. The wise men were a bit tardy and didn't show up until the day people were taking their decorations down.


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