Day 21 - squirrels and sweat pants

There's something weird about wearing jogging bottoms,  or sweat pants if you must. You feel like doing exercise whilst at the same time you feel like lounging. Today on National Sweat Pants Day I've managed a bit of both. It was snowing too much to go running so the lounge became the gym, for a short while. Some people spend their lives in jogging bottoms, I feel like I'm wearing pyjamas. For a man of action like me (stop laughing), lounge wear just doesn't cut it. I admit though that they have their use and so I celebrate them. Yay.
To add to the healthyish exercise, today's foodie celebration was granola bars. Some granola bars are quite tasty. Nature's Valley do a multi pack if flavours which I quite like. I went with the option of buying rather than making and made the schoolboy error of buying a cheap version. It was like eating cardboard,  not a great thing for a celebration. I'll stick with the tasty ones in the future.
Hugging Day seemed a bit too much like cuddling day although I accept that their is a difference. I'm a big fan of hugging, trees work well but not in the snow. Aled (the middle child) owns a giant stuffed elephant which works well too. To celebrate I offered hugs where I had the chance. The baby still refuses to take part. Nothing beats the wife though for a decent hug.
Finally today it was Squirrel Appreciation Day. I had big hopes of going out and burying some nuts. The weather disagreed. I wasn't sure how I was going to fit in some squirrel appreciation  without hunting some down in the park. I spent the afternoon with my Morris Dancing chums learning some new tunes and practising some old ones. As it happens, one of them was called "Hunt The Squirrel". How very fortuitous. I accept that hunting squirrels isn't really appreciating them, possibly the complete opposite, but there is more than one way to appreciate something.  We had a discussion about whether we should appreciate them, the term vermin came up. They are cute and clever, but there is also the whole grey v red debate. What are your thoughts?  Cute park dwellers or nasty vermin? I tried recording the tune but I can't upload it. I'll add a YouTube video instead of a different side performing it so that you can get the idea. Enjoy.


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