Day 11 - Peppa pig and milkshake

Happy Jump In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day! What better way to celebrate than with a half hour spent with the most famous puddle jumper of them all (and a happy one year old)? PEPPA PIG! Before we had children I remember wondering why there was a queue of kids and their parents through the entire shopping centre, waiting to meet someone dressed as Peppa. It made no sense at the time. I had never seen the cartoon. I have now enjoyed many an hour spent with Peppa and her family and fully understand the joy that she brings. Everybody loves jumping in muddy puddles! More on this later.

Milk Day is up next. Maggie has gone over and above the call of duty on this one. She started the day with warm milk, had some in her scrambled eggs, had a strawberry milk drink with lunch and a vanilla milkshake after picking up the boys from school. She even cried for more during tea. Good effort. Milk is an odd one. So useful and tasty but apparently, we as a race are 'supposed' to be lactose intolerant. At least at one time we used to be. I read somewhere that there are more lactose intolerant people in China than there are non-lactose intolerant. And then there's the whole vegan thing. Maybe it is worth reading up on further but in general, milk day was a success. Milkshakes should always have ice cream in them. Yum.

Now back to the puddles. Annoyingly there weren't any. We actually had to try to make our own but it's harder than it sounds. We tried pouring water into dips but nothing stayed long enough to make any decent puddles. We did eventually get a little splashing done but, like the plasma ball experiment,  it may need to be given a rain check. (Ba dum, ting).

Lastly today, it was Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day. It's incredibly specific and there's only one way to celebrate it. So, signing off, --..-.-.


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