Day 66 - dead pig and mini shredded wheat

I'll put you all out of your misery straight away, I know that you may have lost sleep over whether I decided to buy  Crown Roast of Pork of whether I stuck with the loin joint which I bought in error. I raced home after work to get it cooked before my good lady wife had to go out to her choir evening. I knew that there was no chance that the kids would eat it if I went full on crown so I stuck to the loin joint. I did however make it a little crown so that it didn't feel sad. I bought it after googling in Tesco as I didn't realise that it was the boney meat in the crown shape. With hindsight it was obvious but I was thinking that it was like a turkey crown - that doesn't look like a crown does it? My phone mentioned the word loin in the search results and that was enough for me. Oh well. It wasn't very exciting, the gravy was "missing something" and there was nothing green on the plate. Other than that,  a triumph for the taste buds. It was the first meat I've eaten since the weekend, Pig Day still weighs heavy on my mind. I preferred the Chickpea Curry I ate on Monday. I don't think that my kids are going to grow up with the fond memories of Sunday Roast that I did, nor Wednesday roast for that matter!

Cereal Day was a bigger hit. I went with mini shredded wheat which has become my cereal of choice over the last few years. I think it's an age thing. Kids don't go for them. They're good with a sprinkling of blueberries or chopped up strawberries. I had some for breakfast (obviously) but I'm now considering pushing the boat out and having a bowl for supper as well. I live on the edge! I'm not usually a cereal in the evening person so it'll make a bit of a change.

Today was Discover What Your Name Means Day but I already knew it, I had it written on a mug until the handle broke off. I mentioned it the other day as well so here's a test for you. Do you remember? Answers in the comments please!

For Alexander Graham Bell Day I suggested on Facebook that people answer their phones with Ahoy-hoy which was what he suggested. I haven't had the chance to do it myself as nobody has called. It's all text message and social media comments these days. Just think, if he hadn't invented the telephone I'd have to write this out the old fashioned way (which would probably mean fewer typos, but there we are). Life as we know it would be quite different!

Finally it's Rik Mayall Day so I'm going to watch some of his finest moments whilst finishing the washing up. Flashheart from Blackadder was my favourite of his characters so I have a date with YouTube.

Tomorrow will be International Women's Day which usually gets some press coverage but more importantly, it'll be Peanut Cluster Day! Mine are cooling in the fridge.  Are yours ready?


  1. It's quiet in here so thought I'd help out. As your namesake I do know the answer - Michael = 'who is like God'

  2. I'm enjoying the read each day btw

    1. Thanks. Glad you like it. You'll know doubt get to take part again at some point.


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