Day 352 - honey, ham and plungers

I don't love honey. There, I've said it. I don't mind it. It's not my favourite. Today was however I Love Honey Day. What does that actually mean? Is it only to be celebrated by those who actually love it? Out of interest, do you know how much honey an average bee produces in it's life? A few jars? A bucket load? Nope. A teaspoon full. That's not a great deal. It takes a whole load of work to make one jar of honey so we should maybe appreciate it more. I kind of celebrated in a passive way today as it was work Christmas meal one and I had ordered a pudding which had a swirl of honey around the edge. How useful! It worked well, penne cotta with a warm granola and honey.  Yum.
Next up we have Ham Salad Day. This wasn't really something which I got too excited over to be honest. I ate one for tea but it was basically a plate of salad, two slices of ham and a handful of chips. The most entertaining part was watching Son 1 get upset about being asked to eat one slice of cucumber.  He has dodged salad for too long,  tough love is needed!
I was looking forward to Answer The Phone Like Buddy The Elf Day when I heard about it. Buddy has been a big part of our Christmas this year as Son 1 was in Elf the Musical. Sadly no one called! It's rare to get a phone call these days anyway but I usually get a few calls in work but as I was out to lunch there was nothing. Salvation. Arrived however at tea time when Mrs H called to let me know she was on the way home. "Mike the Elf, what's your favourite colour?" Boom. Tick. She knew to expect it but it still counts. I was hoping for a PPI person to annoy but no such luck.
Finally it was Wear A Plunger On Your Head Day, so I did. I've no idea why this day exists but there we go.


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