Day 120 - Harry Potter and truffles

It was on this day 20 years ago that The Battle of Hogwarts took place. I won't say what the outcome was in case you are the person who still hasn't read Harry Potter, but it is celebrated by loyal Potterites (or whatever they call themselves) on this day every year, and so it is that I did as well. I happen to have the whole series on DVD. This one was still in its cellophane wrapper. As an aside, why do they put DVDs in wrappers?  Isn't it time that we stopped using unnecessary packaging?  Not only was the DVD case wrapped, it then had a cardboard sleeve and that was wrapped too! Anyway, I haven't watched the final movie for some time so it was enjoyable to see it again. I also read some of The Half Blood Prince to my eldest at bedtime so it's been double Harry for me today.

And what better accompaniment to a Harry Potter movie than a chocolate truffle (or two)? It was Chocolate Truffle Day and I had a box of Lindt Lindor left over from my birthday.  How very fortuitous. I love Lindor so I happily celebrated, and then again, and again, and again. Yum. I did share them with the boys (1 each, more than enough). It makes up for the lack of chocolate parfait yesterday.

I was hoping to do something for Play Your Ukelele Day but I don't have one to play. I downloaded an app which lets you strum and change chords which is fun but it's not the same. There used to be one in the house but the boys broke it. Wooden instruments and preschoolers don't mix.

I did however celebrate Scurvy Awareness Day by eating an orange.  As I've already celebrated Vitamin C Day,  I didn't see too much point in doing much more.

Tomorrow I need to wear odd shoes. Can someone remind me in the morning please?


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