Day 251 - weird stuff

I'm blogging today from a rehearsal for Priscilla, Queen of the Dessert as my son is appearing in it. It's Make-up Day and I was hoping that there might be some on the go. Sadly not. There is still a few weeks until dress rehearsal.

TV Dinner Day was much easier to celebrate. As we still had squash and salami left over from last week we had another helping of Squash and Salami pasta in front of the TV. The only food I like to eat in front of the telly is pizza, anything else is the kitchen table for me although takeaway curry sometimes gets relegated. The day is to celebrate the TV Dinner which apparently is a real thing in America, as in a brand. I don't think that the day is to celebrate the brand though. I hope not anyway.

One of the hardest days to celebrate today was Creepy Boston Dynamics Robotic Horse Day.  I hadn't a clue what this was about but YouTube came up trumps.  Boston Dynamics make robots. One of them is a small horse type thing with legs which work like a horse's.  If you're feeling brave, watch the video. It's really weird. How to celebrate it? I've no idea. The best I could come up with was tweeting about it to share the video. I'm not aware of any robotic places around which I could have visited.

On the same basis, Blame It On The Large Hadron Collider Day was also hard to celebrate.  It's the anniversary of CERN starting up the Collider which is found underneath Geneva. So many things went wrong that people would blame misfortune of the Collider, hence the day. I again tweeted something about it but I don't really think I can claim it as a celebration. The first time I heard about it was when they were looking for the Higgs Bosun and I was reading Angels And Demons at the time which uses it in the story.  Spooky.

Hopefully you'll be aware that it was World Suicide Prevention Day today.  The statistics suggest that more people commit suicide then die from diseases like Cancer. That's dreadful. There is a specific website to support the day son I shared it with colleagues to try to spread the word.

Finally has been Swap Ideas Day. Again, I tried tweeting to exchange story ideas or save the work ideas but I didn't get much in the way of responses. I have plenty of ideas for stories or movies if anyone needs some inspiration.


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