Day 155 - glasses and being hungry

Today was a busy day for celebrations, it's like famine and feast at the moment which is apt ad it was National Hunger Awareness Day. It was World Hunger Day not so long ago but as this one was an awareness day I thought that I'd make myself more aware by being hungry. This was easy enough, just don't eat. Off I went to work sans lunch with just some fruit having had some toast for breakfast. I'm usually a grazer so my plan worked, I was hungry by mid-morning and wishing I'd packed my sandwiches by lunchtime. I'll pick this up in a moment as lunchtime was another celebration.

Global Running Day took place today and as I'm due to run a half marathon in less than two weeks I thought that I couldn't let the occasion slip by. I went out for a quick 2 mile jaunt. It felt quite easy compared to the 12 mile off roader on Friday. It didn't help with my hunger though.  I was a little worried that my knee would start hurting like it did then but thankfully it seemed OK.

After my run it turned out that there was a mini celebration going on in the office involving scones. Yay! I done the hungry thing enough and was ready to chow down. Depriving oneself of food certainly makes you think more about how lucky we are to have plenty. I take my hat off to those who fast for long periods of time.  I'm not sure that I could do it. In addition to the scones I threw my gingerbread loaf from yesterday into the mix. It was a little crusty even though I took it out early. It tasted OK though although Delia's recipe doesn't pack enough of a gingery hit for me.

Eyewear Day fell on a lucky day as Son 1 received his new pair yesterday.  He wore them (properly) for the first time on Eyewear Day. What are the chances? They aren't normal glasses, his eyesight is fine,  rather they have tinted lenses to help with a writing problem. They look pretty cool and he likes them. I just wore my sunnies to work as it was sunny. My celebration wasn't as much fun as his.

There's still more! Today was also Gardening Exercise Day, a perfect opportunity to mow the lawn so now it I did. It was getting unruly. My youngest tried to help by pulling up handfuls of grass and throwing it in the hopper. Do thoughtful. I even found the blueberry bush which planted under a pile of weeds. I have a feeling of accomplishment and a tick in my notebook. Yay!

Still going... have you ever been to a drive-in movie? I haven't.  I think it's an American thing really. As it was Drive-In Movie Day, I couldn't go to a drive in so I thought about building a little car to sit in from cushions and cardboard and watch a film.  Sadly the ironing got in the way of that one so I decided to watch Riverdale whilst ironing.  The series has a few plot lines running,  one of which is the closure of the drive-in! Yay! Unfortunately Now TV and my sky broadband had a fight and the  program got stuck in a permanent paused loop. I'll never know what happened at Jughead's party now.

I found out about Churros Day a little too late so don't mention it to the kids, they'll be sad that they missed it. I did however have a go with a yo yo for Yo-Yo Day. I was told that it was fragile and breaks easy. All that happened was that it unrolled and hung limply from my finger.  a poor show.

Lastly today I can mention Russian Language Day. As the football is due to start soon in Russia, what better time to learn some handy phrases.  I found a website offering such things but even phonetically it's a hard language to try to speak.  Google it and you'll see what I mean. I can see why Sean Connery stuck to Scottish when playing Russians.


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