Day 167 - fancy a splurge?

A little while back I missed out on Picnic Day due to my dizziness. That wasn't much fun and it's a shame to miss out on a picnic. Thankfully, International Picnic Day arrived to give me a second chance. The weather was spot on for a picnic so it would have been a shame to miss out. It was also Sushi Day. I may have mentioned already that I quite like sushi, for instance when I used it to celebrate Chopsticks Day. I decided to combine the two and made it extra "international" with some leftover olives from Tapas Day and some samosas courtesy of a colleague who was celebrating Eid. Yum. I don't usually buy lunch so that counted as a splurge as well. That's right, it was Surge Day and I managed a three-in-one. Boom. I picked up the sushi from Waitrose and headed over to the park in Solihull. I even brought a picnic rug with me so I could do it properly. The sushi had some kind of spicy mayonnaise over it, t'was very pleasant.

I didn't do anything else today. Tomorrow I need to work out how to saunter. Any ideas?


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