Day 174 - help! I need some goat's cheese

When I was younger, so much younger than today, I used to listen to cds instead of mp3 files. One of my favourites was the soundtrack to "I Know What You Did Last Summer" which is full of cover versions. One was a song called Hey Bulldog. It wasn't until years after that I found out that it was originally by the Beatles. The Beatles version however was rubbish compared to the cover version... which is how I generally feel about the Beatles. Today was Global Beatles Day so I listened to anything Beatlesish on iTunes. I have a reggae album of Beatles covers which is better than the originals. They just don't do it for me. They wrote some catchy tunes but other people make them sound better. The band who were formed to play them in the movie Backbeat were, for me, better than the originals. I realise that it isn't a popular opinion but I stand by it. I celebrated all the same.

In addition today it was a chance to celebrate Colour TV Day (please note the correct spelling of colour). I reversed it to celebrate colour TV by switching the Spain/Morrocco match to black and white. It was really weird, I haven't watched anything in black and white for a while. Thankfully the players were wearing white and red so that still worked as a contrast. I might make the kids watch in black and white so they know how good they have it.

Next up is the food. My lovely wife picked up some bits on the way home so that I could celebrate Strawberry Parfait Day. French parfait is bit like ice cream which you slice. The American version however is a layered pudding using fruit, cream and ice cream. I made sone for pudding but Son 1 went without as he insists that he doesn't like strawberries (although he likes strawberry  ice cream, milkshakes and sweets). They were simple but yummy. I might need to have another tomorrow.

It was also Goat's Cheese Day. I was introduced to goat's cheese by a French friend in 1998. I was a little scared by it at first as it's such a strong flavour but the more you eat the better it gets. I'm now a big fan. I had a small one with some biscuits and chutney. Delish. Yay for goat's cheese!

Tomorrow will be Fruity Cocktail Day. I've never drunk as much booze midweek before this year. I'm thinking rum. Yar!


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