Day 295 - crazy lungs

3 celebrations, 1 event. There were 13 potential celebrations on my list but sone were really clutching at straws. Black  Thursday, on a Wednesday? Really? 40 Hour Work Week, on one day? These haven't been well thought through. I couldn't find any "good and plenty" which is an American sweet and I wasn't interested in buying tripe! So what did I do?

Firstly, I celebrated Lung Health Day. There are plenty of websites offering advice on how to look after you lungs so j had a look at some. They mainly say to breathe from the diaphragm and stop smoking.  One however suggested singing. More on this shortly.

The next celebration was Take Back Your Time Day. This was an opportunity to do something you want to, spend time on yourself. I haven't spent much time with my guitar recently. More on this shortly.

My final celebration was for Crazy Day. I had a look on a tablature app for songs with "crazy" in the title. There are hundreds. I chose Crazy by Seal. Can you see where this is going yet? For the three celebrations I took back sone time to make my I'm t's healthier by singing Crazy by Seal. A threefer! Yay!

Tomorrow is mainly food based, and food I've already celebrated, so I may need to make a big thing of Punk For A Day Day.


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