Day 273 - fruity angels

Today was a day about not doing things. These can be celebrated just as much as doing things,  and possibly deserve more attention.

International Day of Non-Violence was marked today as it would have been Ghandi's birthday.  I asked son 1 if he'd set heard of Ghandi, he said no. I explained that he was famous for bro g peaceful and against violence, his response was "did he build the great wall of China?" I'm sure that there's some logic buried in there somewhere. Anyway, I celebrated by not being violent and channelling inner peace. Rather than watch Fast & Furious (7 I think) I opted for a romance movie as my ironing companion. Very peaceful. More on that shortly.

Fruit At Work Day didn't really happen as I had to work from home but I ate plenty whilst I typed away at the kitchen table. My apple and banana went down well. Work does usually end up with eating biscuits and cake so I can see the point of fruit at work day. Ying and yang and all that.

Name Your Car Day also didn't really happen as we've already named it. I celebrated by telling the Twitterati about The Fonz. It is so named as the car is coloured bronze, which rhymes with The Fonz. That isn't all though, it would be weird just to name tour car something which rhymes with the colour. Fred red? Dean green? No, The Fonz also has AY as the first letters of the number plate, and that was the Fonz's saying. The car is also very cool - it has massaging seats!

On World No Alcohol Day I steered clear of alcohol. Just say no kids, unless it's beer day of course, or Vodka Day (this Thursday in case you're wondering).

Finally it was Guardian Angel Day. This takes me back to the begining. I was looking for a movie choice and the first one on the list was a Zac Erton film called  The Lucky One.  The blurb said that it was about a man who for in search of his guardian angel! That's the one for me! It was pleasant and enjoyable enough but his character was a little too "perfect man" to be believable. I expect it'll be an answer on Pointless in a few years time so remember the name. Give it a go if you have 90 minutes to kill and are looking for  "nice". The basic premise is that Zac is savedfrom an explosion by spotting something shiny. It turns out to be a picture of a girl and he spends the movie tracking her down. I won't spoil the ending. Tomorrow's ironing movie will be Mean Girls as it's Mean Girls Appreciation  Day.


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