Day 329 - wobbly knobs

Well the didn't go to plan. I'd been looking forward to today as it included sone fun sounding celebrations. As it turned out I just about managed a half hearted attempt. I am ashamed.

Bavarian Cream Pie Day sounds good doesn't it? The make a custard, add ice cream and geletin. It's poured into a pastry base and once set is topped with whipped cream. Custard,  ice cream and whipped cream pie! What's not to like? I didn't however have time to prep yesterday and the celebratory funds are running low. It did happen.  If this had turned up in January I'd have been all over it like a rash. Now it's almost December however it will have to go on the to-do list.  At least it's on my radar.

It was also Pie In The Face Day.  I'm sure that you'd have loved to see me covered in Bavarian Cream Pie but that would just be a waste.  I did think that it would be fun to do with the kids but by the the time they were home,  fed and done their homework we were out of time. Things just weren't looking good for celebrations today.

The only celebration I did squeeze in was Electric Guitar Day but not in any meaningful way. I had good intentions or digging my epiphone sg out of the cellar and cranking up the volume, but by the time I had a chance the kids were in bed. Instead I turned it, checked the amp was still working and fixed a wobbly knob which has been loose for about 20 years.  I didn't know that I could just pull the knob off, tighten the nut and pop it back on. How easy was that? I should, all things being well, have a chance to play tomorrow instead as I'll get home an hour earlier. Bring it on!


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