Day 319 - weird beer and dodgy bread

So you think you know your beer eh? Lagers, bitters, molds, sprouts, gose.  Eh? Gose? That's right. A German beer from Goslar which is 59% malted, salted and often mixed with a fruit. I hadn't come across this before either but the nice man in Chez Sophie seemed to know all about it. If you want to talk beer, they are the people to talk to. I bought my can of pineapple gose and gave it a spin. You know that face you pull when you eat a super sour sweet, it's like that but with a salty kick thrown it. You have to earn this beer. I split a can with my Dad so only drank half a pint.  Anyone who can get through a full can deserves an award. It's not a session beer! It's worth a go just for the experience. Someone must like it or they wouldn't sell it, maybe it's an acquired taste?
What's not an acquired taste is Baklava. The pip up stall in the town shopping centre has disappeared so we ordered some from Ocado. It's odd as it looks dry and tasteless but is gooey and crunchy and sweet and everything else you'd want a bite sized snack to be. Yum. Son 2 gave it a go and was pleased that he did. Son 1 has yet to venture forth.

My favourite celebration today though was Homemade Bread Day. I found a Paul Hollywood recipe for maneesh.  It's a flatish bread with herbs and sesame seeds. It worked well although my yeast didn't give off the rise I'd have hoped for. The recipe book also came with a baba ganoosh recipe which I tried. I'll definately be doing that again!  If you're stuck for something to eat tomorrow then give it a shot,  especially if, like me, you have a jar of tahini in the cupboard with nothing better to do.
International Games Day didn't get very far unless you count the kids playing on the Wii.
I also tried to do something for Electronic Greeting Card Day as a friend has a birthday today (you know who you are!). As I haven't used emails in years I'm waiting on her address to send it. Maybe next year.


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