Day 330 - my head and Mars

Self portraits are popular amongst artists and today was an opportunity to express your inner Van Gogh. The celebration was called Make Your Own Head Day so it wasn't necessarily just about painting.  I had intended to use Lego to make a little effigy but I had an unexpected surprise when I got home. We had some balloons knocking about for Son 2's birthday and they had faces drawn on them. They hadn't been celebrating Make Your Own Head Day but it wasn't far off. I had a go myself and drew myself on a balloon instead of using Lego. I wasn't a bad effort if I do say so myself. What do you think?
French Toast Day was quite quick and easy regardless of the name. We used to call it eggy bread when I was younger,  dip bread in egg and fry it. Pictures always make it look crunchy but mine is always floppy.  Floppy or not it still tastes good with a decent helping of maple syrup. What doesn't?
Lastly it was Red Planet Day. I don't know whether the recent Mars landing was timed to coincide with Red Planet Day or if it's just coincidence. The day is to commemorate the first time we sent a spaceship up there and had some photos back, this time they put a rover on the planet. I entered a competition a while back to name it. I'm guess I didn't win, presumably they'd have told me by now.  You may have seen the video of the people at NASA doing a celebratory handshake when the landing pod touched down. To celebrate Red Planet Day I tried to learn it with my kids. It's far too fast though, we couldn't quite get it. It was fun trying though, even if Son 2 wasn't really getting into the spirit of it. If you've somehow learnt the handshake which is taking the world by storm then please do share some pointers.


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