Day 60 - books and Welshmen.

World Book Day. What's that about then? Books? Or the stories within?  When books have been abandoned to stop deforestation and e-readers are all the rage, will it still be called Book Day? Will it become e-reader day or story day? Does anybody care? No. OK. Let's move on. Although my children's school lets the kids dress up for it, they prefer to wait until Friday so they won't be partaking until tomorrow. One was supposed to be going as the Big Bad Wolf and the other would be wearing a band tshirt from a series called Tom Gates. They've just heard though thst school will be closed due to the snow and both were grumpy! No fair! Its good to see how much they were looking forward to it. For my celebration I read some more of Mortal Engines (which I can highly recommend - I'm really  enjoying it) and uploaded another chapter of my crime fighting Morris Dancers story ( Writing is a strange feeling, although the characters aren't real you get to know them and miss them when they're not around.

Another biggy today was St. David's Day. I lived in Wales for years so was used to wearing leeks and daffodils.  I didn't see any today. That may have been due to working in Telford rather than Wrexham or it could have been because work was like a ghost ship.  Many people were working from home instead of braving the  few inches of snow which we had. My celebration consisted of cooking Tasty Welshmen, like Welsh cakes but shaped using a gingerbread man cutter.  I had an idea to create a 'Welshmen' brand and have variations of the recipe so that I can sell them with different names. For instance, use lard and call them beefy Welshmen, extra sugar would be sweet Welshmen, full butter would be fat Welshmen.  You get the idea. If there are any business angels read this, give me a shout and we'll sort out a deal. I took my Welshmen to work, either they went down well or somebody forgot their sandwiches as they all went.

Today was Holi, the Hindu festival of colour.  The pictures make the celebrations look great fun, a bit like the "colour run" but without the running. There is plenty of literature about it online if you want more detail.

Pig Day was a little odd for me. One website suggested celebrating by eating pork products, and we did as we had arranged sausages and Yorkshire pud for tea, but it felt a bit off to be honest.  Pig Day probably should have been  more about celebrating the pig and avoiding pork products.  I saw a video which had been posted on Twitter which showed how mistreat pigs are. One was  ek g slaughtered and was writhing in obvious agony. The young ones are kept next to the mothers to feed but the mothers are kept in pens so small that they can't even  turn around. The piglets were then thrown around by the workers as though they were sacks of rice. I'm not vegetarian but I've often toyed with the idea. I don't think it's wrong to eat animals due to the food chain and all that sciencey stuff, but I don't like the way that we've turned them into a commodity. I think that I might start a slow transition. Pig Day has had quite an impact on me.

There were a few other days, as usual, where I either found out about them too late or just didnt do anything about them.  Today these included Horse Protection Day, Fruit Compote Day and Uni Mental Health Day.

For World Compliment Day I actively tried complimenting my boys when they did good things. It didn't seem to have any impact though. They didn't seem all that fussed. Maybe it was sinking in on another level.

Lastly today it was Plan a Solo Vacation Day. I haven't done it yet.  I don't remember ever having a holiday on my own. If you go somewhere nice or do something fun your first reaction is usually wanting to share it with someone. If I went on my own and it wad fun then if want to take my wife there to show her anyway so why bother.  There must be some places she wouldn't want to go, or things she doesn't want to do though,  so I'm going to have a think. I'd quite like to go to Download festival which she would HATE, but I wouldn't want to go alone, just with someone else. It's a tricky one. If you could go somewhere on your own, where would it be?

A quick heads up before I go, tomorrow is Dress in Blue Day and Banana Cream Pie Day. TTFN.


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