Day 70 - Haircuts, mothers and tools

Today was one of those well known celebratory days so the silly ones tend to get pushed aside. Worry not though, I've still managed to squeeze a few in for your delight.
I'll get the biggy out of the way first. My good lady wife has suffered over the last few years with a lack of cards and presents. This year however I rallied the kids in advance and they all bought or made cards and even managed a gift each! Admittedly it amounted to two keyrings and a book (one of which didn't even come from a charity shop) but what else can a mum want for? They made her breakfast (cold crumpets and stewed tea)  and only argued a little bit during the day. My own mum was treated to a card with photos of me on it (who wouldn't love that?) and a box of chocolates. A classic combination. Ok, we didn't really do much but Sunday means swimming and gymnastics in our house so we only had the afternoon and that was spent teaching son 2 to ride a bike.
With Mothering Sunday out of the way we can think about batteries.  It was Check Your Batteries Day so I tested the fire alarms (very important!) but also changed batteries in the boys' bike horns and a lamp. I really don't like batteries as they never last as long as the suggest. One thing I don't get is battery testers. The needle swings to say whether there is power but the "good" part is a tiny green area on the far right of the dial. So a dead battery still swings most of the way over but stops short if the green part. Does that mean that there is still power,  just not enough? If so, why can't we use that power until it is actually all gone? I dunno. 
Next it was Johnny Appleseed Day. This is a celebration of Apple trees so I planted some seeds which I'd been saving up. Hopefully some of them might actually grow but I won't hold my breath. Most of the stuff I try to grow doesn't make it but you never know.
I worshipped my tools briefly for Worship Your Tools Day as I needed a screwdriver to change some of the afore mentioned batteries. The more important celebration was to listen to the Spooky Mens Chorale.  If you haven't come across them before they're an Australian choir who sing about their love of tools. I'll try to add a link but you may have seen it already if you follow me on Twitter as well. We've seen them live a few times and they never disappoint.
Lastly today it was Haircut Day. Now this was a bit of an odd one as usually there is some kind of traffic on these celebrations on Twitter. There was nothing on this one. I couldn't find a single post. The only mention of it was something my wife found on t'interweb. Hmm. I've managed to go about 6 months without a haircut and it was getting quite long. I used to have long hair as a teenager and into my early twenties and I've missed it ever since deciding to chop it off. Although I had no desire to have it cut, I went anyway. I tried about four barbers before finally finding one which was open. The amount of hair on the floor was quite shocking. It feels weird to have it short again but the wife seems pleased. Tuesday is Smart And Sexy Day so I'm ahead of the game!
Tomorrow isn't looking good for celebrations so hopefully something will crop up. It usually does.


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