Day 72 - instant cake?

I'm a bit worried that today's blog is just going to be a list of excuses, but here goes...

It was Ken Day today, Ken as in Barbie's long term boyfriend until she dumped him  for a surfer dude, not Ken from Streetfighter II or Ken Barlow. I don't know much more than that, other than he also had a cameo role in Toy Story 3. Barbie was never my thing and as I couldn't find anything much on Barbie Day I assumed that I wouldn't find much for Ken Day either. I'm sure that he's a lovely chap when you get to know him and I wish him all the best in the future.

Earmuff Day likewise isn't getting the attention it deserves from me. I don't have any earmuffs and today is probably the first day in a while where it hasn't been cold enough to need any. There was a noisy meeting in the office this afternoon so a pair wouldn't have gone amiss but I couldn't justify buying any. Hopefully some if you out there were rocking the warm ear look.

I was planning on baking  Coconut Torte (I'd never heard of it either) to celebrate Coconut Torte Day but the recipes all said to use instant cake mix. To my mind, a recipe which uses instant cake mix isn't a recipe and even if it was, they specified a type which isn't available in Blighty. Golden cake mix, what's that all about? To add to that I don't much like coconut so would only be making it for the sake of celebrating the day. I'll happily try new things but this is one foodie opportunity I've let slip. I did come across a website called the foodie patootie where a lady in America did something very similar to this project but just food based and much more professional. If you like the food segment then look her up!

What's next. Jewel Day. I don't own any, certainly can't afford to buy any just for the sake of it and don't see the appeal of shiny things. Instead I listened to Jewel the singer but I'm not sure that is the point of the day. Diamonds might be a girl's best friend but give me a decent hammer any day.

I mentioned yesterday that today is Smart And Sexy Day but when I read more about it I found out that it's a day to empower women. There's a movement which says that women shouldn't be afraid to dress smart and sexy in the workplace. I'll have to keep my sexiness for another day!

One celebration I did take part in today was Wear Blue For Bobby Day. It's another charity day but on a local basis for a charity in Liverpool. It's about driving at a safe speed to be aware of children. I dressed in my blue shirt and tie but as this wasn't really going to raise awareness as I often go for the blue an blue look, I tweeted a picture of my Blue Steel pose. It got shared a few times so hopefully a few more people became aware of the good cause. If you want more info then take a look at

Donald Duck Day. All I had time for was to watch some DD clips on YouTube whilst making tomorrow's sandwiches. It's quite disturbing what cartoons used to contain. I watched an episode where Donald was being chased by "man eating cannibals". The fact that he's a duck and not a man renders the whole thing slightly odd to start with but assuming that we accept Donald as an honorary man, the cannibal thing isn't exactly PC (especially asbthey escaped from a travelling zoo!) or child friendly. Be careful what you click on!

Organise Your Home Office Day? What home office?  It was sacrificed for a child's bedroom (and a worthy sacrifice it was too).

Open An Umbrella Indoors Day. I try not to do that, firstly as I don't have an umbrella but mainly as they tend to knock things over. Maggie has an umbrella which she owns but only uses it to wave around and look at the pictures of the ladies from Frozen. I opened it for the purposes of today to dispel any fears of bad luck.

As I said, not a great deal of celebration today but tomorrow I will be dribbling a basketball to work. Anyone else fancy doing the same?


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