Day 69 - Mario and awesome wigs

I'm writing this whilst awaiting my Oven to ping as it is Blueberry Popover Day. I'd never heard of a pop over before, it's basically a sweet Yorkshire Pudding with blueberries inside.  Sounds good to me although my history with Yorkies is a long and torturous one. I'm basically expecting stodge but I may be pleasantly surprised. I had to reduce the recipe as I'm baking for one. The kids wouldn't eat them and the wife is counting berries.

Mario was the star of the day, the podgy Italian plumber has had pride of place on my t-shirt whilst we also played the Wii classic Mario kart. It was Mario Day so I played against the boys, whilst wearing a wig which was reminiscent of Brian May, ( it was Wig Day) and generally being awesome as I came first twice (Day of Awesomeness)! Aled usually comes dead last but he actually beat me in one game without me letting him. He was also being awesome. Also, Isaac helped with the shopping and was allowed to do some on his own for the first time.  Awesome! Generally it was an awesome day.

Even Maggie got in on the celebrations today. It was Skirt Day and she rocked (yes, I did say rocked) a tutu to her first ballet class. 

My lunch consisted of the same sandwiches I have every day as it was Pack Your Lunch Day. It couldn't fall on a Friday could it. Not a lot of excitement to be found there. 

I nearly forgot to tell you about International Bagpipe Day. It would have been good to find and play some but I had to settle for listening to some. The only bagpipe album I have is a Christmas one so we listened to that over breakfast. The snow has all gone so I wasn't really feeling it. I may finish the day with some Korn instead. More heavy metal bands should use the pipes!

The oven is beeping. Excuse me a minute...

Well the popovers have certainly popped over. They look like Yorkshire Puddings but they really worked. Awesome! They're really tasty. I tweeted the recipe earlier if you fancy giving them a go yourself.

It'll be Mothers' Day tomorrow but also Worship Of Tools Day!


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