Day 67 - women and peanuts

If you've managed to get through today without finding out that it's International Women's Day then you've probably been living under a rock. The media make an effort to talk about it, events have been going on all around to mark it and every second post on social media has mentioned it. I was expecting there to be some kind of activity at work as there were health and fitness events for International Men's Day. Nothing. It was like it wasn't happening. The only reference was to a dial-in which had to be postponed. Seeing as women make up the majority of the workforce I was quite surprised. So for Women's Day I did nothing more than retweet a few messages on Twitter and advertise a bar on Facebook.

You can be forgiven for not noticing Peanut Cluster Day which was pushed into the category of also-ran. I did however make some (melt chocolate and mix in some peanuts) and they went down fairly well at work. Even the non-peanut and chocolate eater got through half of one. They basically taste like Snickers bars but without the chewy bit. Easier than English Toffee but not as nice as Peppermint Patties.

World Kidney Day transpired with me actively drinking much more water than usual. Easier said than done but I'm sure that it is supposed to do my kidneys the world of good. I don't drink enough during the day so it was difficult to make myself get through a few glasses. As St Patrick's Day is coming up, a day to think about kidneys can't be a bad thing.

There have been a few name based celebrations this week. Today's was Nametag Day. I have to wear a nametag at work so that was fairly easy, I then made myself a name sticker to wear after work but very few people noticed. I might try harder tomorrow as there is another name day to celebrate, Middle Name Pride Day.

I mentioned that it was Be Nasty Day to the boys before bed and they promptly started hitting each other.  I'm glad that I didn't say anything before they went to school! I on the other hand let it slip by as I don't see the benefit.

Finally today it was Proofreading Day so I'm going to break a habit and actually read through this before I post it! Hopefully there will be fewer mistakes than usual. Tomorrow will be Day of Unplugging so I'm not supposed to use my phone or a computer all day (other than for work I suppose which is unavoidable). I therefore won't send out an update until Saturday. I know that it will be hard to get through a day without a dose of celebrations but please bear with me. I won't be able to send out a video link to Barbie Girl (it will be Barbie Day tomorrow) so you'll have to search it up yourselves.


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