Day 95 - jumping, beer and epitaphs

Today was the first day that I've had to consider what to put on my grave stone.  It isn't exactly an everyday activity so it was something new for me. I read an article about odd epitaphs a few months back which included those such as Spike Milligan's which says "I told you I was ill" or something like that. I'm not sure I'd go for something comical but I'm not sure I'd go for the standard "beloved father of three" etc. either. I saw one which had a recipe on it. Maybe some song lyrics. Hopefully I won't need to think about it for a long long time by which time there might be some more songs to consider. For now I'll stick with something from Frank Sinatra's My Way, that seems appropriate.

It was Walk To Work Day today but I had the day off so couldn't celebrate.  To be fair I'm glad that was the case as it's a fair distance. That saved me a fair trek.

Jump Over Things Day was a chance to be a bit silly so I tried some leap frog in the garden with middle child. He couldn't quite get over and just kept landing on me.  I didn't do much jumping myself but the night is still young.

As it was Caramel Popcorn Day I mixed up a batch to take with us to the cinema. How do you make it? Melt butter, add sugar and boil. Just the same as English Toffee. Just the same as Butter crunch. Son 1 spat it out, son 2 didn't mind it. The wife enjoyed it the most. It wasn't bad but not as nice as the butter popcorn we had on popcorn day. The film wasn't bad (the bit that I didn't sleep through) by the way but it wasn't a patch on Paddington.

Finally today it has been  New Beers Eve. Tomorrow will be New Beers Day which is the anniversary of the end of prohibition in America. Today is therefore a preparation for tomorrow and what better way to celebrate than with a beer or two?  I had  Hobsons Prickly Hedge Grog which I can recommend.

It was also Carbonara Day so Son 1 cooked it. I was worried about the bit where the egg is added as in the past I've made scrambled egg with pasta rather than carbonara. He did a good job though and kept it creamy and tasty rather than rubbery and bitty. We all enjoyed it although Mrs H doesn't do egg so had one of those cream sauces from a tub instead. For me carbonara needs egg as a sauce, not cream. Is there a correct recipe?

Tomorrow is No Housework Day so if you get asked to do something houseworky you now know the perfect excuse to put your feet up!


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