Day 219 - polkas and rice pudding, but mainly rice pudding
Today wasn't a great day for celebrations, certainly not we you compare it to sneaking vegetables onto neighbours' doorsteps. I had to Google one today, Veep Day. It sounds like a hair removal treatment but it's actually an American political thing, a day to celebrate the fact that if something happens to their President then the VP will stand in. I assumed when I read this that this would be a celebration which would be very popular on social media due to the era of general trump-bashing which we've entered. Nothing. Not a sausage. It obviously isn't a well known day in the USA, especially as anything like this usually gets jumped on by the anti-trump contingent. I'm happy to celebrate American holidays but if they won't even celebrate it themselves then it suggests it isn't such a good idea.
Book Lovers Day on the other hand was very popular. I've celebrated books a lot this year so I stuck with my usual train reading and the odd tweet in support of modern fiction. Nothing too strenuous you understand. There is only so many times that you can celebrate one topic but change the name slightly.
Rice Pudding Day was far more fun. I bought an oversized tin to make sure that there was enough to go around. It obviously wasn't home made so didn't have the skin but the tinned stuff is still good stuff. I'd forgotten how good it was until it came out the microwave and I got a whiff of the creamy goodness. I'd actually forgotten about it completely and was wondering what snack I could have to ease my craving. Then I remembered, oh happy day! The tin I bought is called Salvo, Lidl's finest. As the kids wouldn't eat it (what is wrong with my offspring? ) there is plenty for lunch tomorrow as well. Yippee.
Polka Day was a little odd. As someone who has been to the odd ceilidh, I've danced a polka a few times. When I say danced a polka I mean that some ceilidh bands would end with a freeform polka so I jumped about and waved my hands around. I didn't do any dancing today, I just found a few polka videos to listen to briefly to show the kids what polka is. Weird Al sings a polka version of Poker Face (Polka Face) which was good fun.
Tomorrow will be a trip back to the 80s. It's Duran Duran Appreciation Day! Anybody got any hair spray?
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