Day 238 - it's morphin' time
So, the folk festival is over and it's back to the usual hum drum life of celebrating every little thing there is to celebrate. Today, comics. International Read Comics In Public Day. I don't have any comics knocking around so I put in an order with the wife who was in town. She managed to find an old Dandy which was issued on my 18th birthday. If was originally 24p. Today it cost 33p. I'm not sure whether that means that the value has gone up because it costs more or that the cost has gone down because 24p in 1996 was worth more than 33p in 2018. Anyway, what was surprising was that the content was bullying and violence. Every story consisted of one person hurting others. Sometimes they got their commupence, sometimes they didn't. I'd like to think that the stories are a bit more diverse nowadays. I sat on my front wall reading it. Not a sole walked past in that time. I may need to investigate.
Power Rangers Day also took place today. I think that it's the 25th anniversary of the first episode. I watched it as a teenager thinking it was ironic and tongue in cheek. Nowadays that irony has gone, maybe it was never there. The kids watch it and it's still the same formula 25 years on. Thankfully I didn't need to watch it to celebrate, I was worried that I'd have to watch the new movie version which got panned. Instead, my wife also found a pink ranger toy in town. Hurrah!
Radio Commercials Day was easy to celebrate as well, I listened to commercial radio. The adverts weren't very good though. The one which stood out was for Rosy Cider as it had a song sang in a strong Somerset accent. I'm usually a BBC radio 2 listener, or radio Shropshire. Free radio was a bit different, not my cup of tea though. I have fond memories of listening to Atlantic 252 when I was a kid. I hiked the Pembrokeshire coastline with a radio and one advert which stuck in my head was where they told a story about Tom, Dick and Harry. Dick didn't buy the product and so they used the tagline "don't be a dick". How they got away with it I don't know.
There were two computer based celebrations but I didn't do either. Crackers Over The Keyboard Day is just asking for trouble and Race Your Mouse Around The Icons Day was a bit pointless (Not that that stops me usually! )
I ended the day by celebrating Red Wine Day with a silver award winning rioja. It was tasty. I still prefer the malbec and I'm not sure I could tell you whether it had hints of aubergine and daffodils, but I liked it and that's all that matters.
That haul takes me over 800 celebrations so far this year and there are still 4 months to go.
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